MetaArt: Autism Integration

MetaArt: Autism Integration

from $55.00

These three unique MetaArt portals serve as a foundation for the Collective Consciousness of the Children. They originate from the expansive cosmic consciousness accessible to children (portal 1) and clarify and purify these energies (portal 2) for a gentle integration into the physical body and this reality (portal 3).

These adaptable, expressive, and nurturing portals adjust and grow alongside the individual and the collective. They are multidimensional, existing in all dimensions, and ready to support your integration journey.

Over time, the children and all others will be harmoniously regulated to the same frequency, and these portals play a crucial role in supporting this occurrence. They are designed to promote harmony and balance in the collective consciousness.

Lee Ann Heltzel ushered these portals into existence with the expert direction of Suzy Miller [] and the Collective Consciousness of the Children. Suzy gifted her wisdom, light language, and insights into these potent portals.

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