FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MetaArt Creator Lee Ann Heltzel Wins Prestigious Awards with Her Unique and Innovative Art Form
Lee Ann Heltzel, creator of MetaArt and Ocular Meditation wins two international art awards.

Untitled Event
At the IANDS Conference, Lee Ann Heltzel’s MetaArt piece, “Crossing the Veil,” captivated attendees, offering profound emotional experiences. MetaArt aims to create portals that connect individuals to higher states of consciousness. One meditator, Dena D., shared a deeply personal encounter with the painting, where she experienced a direct connection with her deceased brother. The visual elements seemed to breathe, bringing her brother’s presence into focus, culminating in a profound spiritual connection. This sense of clarity and closeness with lost loved ones left her moved to tears.
“Crossing the Veil” isn’t only about visual engagement—it combines elements of healing sound, guided meditations, and sacred oils to create an immersive experience. Lee Ann, a death doula and community artist, channels these pieces to help people connect with more profound, unseen layers of existence.
Another viewer, Debbie D., who had experienced a Near-Death Experience (NDE), described how the painting allowed her to revisit that transformative moment peacefully and joyfully.
Heltzel’s MetaArt is designed to shift the energy of spaces and facilitate meditation using ancient techniques like Trataka (Ocular Meditation). She aims to get the original painting and its reproductions into environments where they can continue facilitating these unique experiences.

Intuitive Art to Meet Your Higher Self
Meet me in the remarkable Lily Dale, New York for a day of inner exploration and creative freedom.

MetaArt Portal Painting Immersive Full Day Retreat
Nov. 16 | 10am-4pm | $200
“This experience is very spiritual, cosmic, mysterious, and magical. I found my myself fully in
my heart resonance. I didn't know this was possible. It was just so freeing. It would be very good for people who need to find the magic of discovery.”

INTEGRATION: MetaArt Gathering
"Witnessing the creation of the Spectrum Integration portals was pure magic. LeeAnn has created an art form that truly transcends logic, opening those who work with these paintings to an experience of multidimensionality." – Suzy